Every few minutes a little potion of hay, hundreds of portions per day
Do you recognize the following symptoms?
Passing gas a lot
Bloated belly
Single envy
Dust allergy
Hay dunking in water
Esophageal obstruction
Air sucking
Crib biting
Manure water
Food envy
Overweight or underweight
All these symptoms are signals of a disturbance in the digestive system. Read here how the FeedingMaster can prevent this!
Do you recognize the following problems?
Worries when your horse is in pain
Hoping every day that your horse doesn't get colic
High vet bills
Stress when you arrive late at the stable
Arrange feeding services
No longer being able to go out for a whole day
Feed horses several times a day
- Knowing that they can't eat after midnight
Your horse doesn't like being ridden
Not being able to sleep in anymore
Hay that lies throughout the stable
Feed more hay so your horse doesn't go without food
Spending a lot of money on supplements
Don't want a slow feeder because you think the teeth will wear out
Your horse destroys everything
Your horse getting stuck in a hay net
All these problems can be solved with a FeedingMaster!​​