We take good care of our horses, that is our approach. They spend as much time as possible in our pasture. When they are in the stable they are given good quality roughage and Pavo chunks and muesli. In the past we fed all the horses before we went to sleep and as soon as the alarm went off. In practice, unfortunately, our horses were left without roughage for a long time.
Before the introduction of the FeedingMaster, all horses received a lump of hay in the box. We did not use a slow feeder, as we could not find one that functioned satisfactorily. So the hay was eaten again quite quickly, or should I say gobbled up.
With the introduction of the FeedingMaster, we discovered that we were actually not feeding as much roughage as we thought. After refilling the FeedingMaster, it indicates how many kilos of roughage have been eaten. Only then will it be clear how much volume a kilo of hay actually is.
With the FeedingMaster we can properly balance the amount of roughage and adjust it to the daily grazing and the nutritional value of the grass (rich or poor).